People travel to Central Oregon from across the country to mountain bike. And then there are the lucky ones that get to call Bend home. Filming for the nationally regarded owners of Ladies AllRide has been a highlight of local productions I’ve worked on while living in Bend. These coaches are pros, so filming video content or shooting still photos of them in action comes naturally. They love what they do and it shows in whatever content you capture of them. The team is sponsored by Liv bikes, the only bike line made for women specifically. I’ve filmed them on a variety of trails and in clinic locations, but these photos were a special occasion on a summer night in Bend. Just myself and the two owners – Lindsay and Meredith – out for a sunset ride along the river. I love assembling larger film crews and managing professional sets in Central Oregon. Yet when I get to work like this just as a one woman show its pure joy. Having my camera kit in a backpack as I ride along following pro athletes who are so fun and easy to work with is what reminds me just how special branded production can be, especially in Bend.